What is an entrepreneur?

The word entrepreneur refers to a person who has identified a need and has an innovative business idea to fill that void. Entrepreneurs are willing to take on the many risks of implementing their idea, and also take on the role as leader of their company or organization. They assume full responsibility for the execution, success, or failure of the business. A modern day interpretation may associate being an entrepreneur with innovative and creative ideas for online use, and with someone who can use the power of the internet to fill a niche. While the stereotypical image of an entrepreneur is of someone building a business from the ground up, there are other options as well, such as buying or adding to an existing business (for example, a franchise owner) or taking over a family-run business. An entrepreneur is a starter. An entrepreneur is an initiator, a challenger and a driver. Someone that creates something new, either an initiative, a business or a company. He or she is...